Dance of Life, 2024, Digital Painting
The Solar Woman, 2024, Digital Painting
The Beauty on the Beach, 2024, Digital Painting
The Holiest of Man, 2024, Digital Painting
Rhodophobia, 2024, Digital Painting
Dark Hero, 2024, Digital Painting
Stygiophobia, 2024, Digital Painting
Mr. War, 2024, Digital Painting
Vladimir on magenta ground two times, 2024, Digital Painting
George on yellow ground, 2024, Digital Painting
Erythrophobia, 2024, Digital Painting
Monsters in the Divine Spring, 2024, Digital Painting
Sounds of Hell, 2024, Digital Painting
Someone in the Hell, 2023, acrylic, oil and mixed media painting on canvas
Head of Bacchus, Portrait, 2023, acrylic, oil and mixed media painting on canvas
Head of Demon, 2023, acrylic, oil and mixed media painting on canvas
Head of Screaming Demon, 2023, acrylic, oil and mixed media painting on canvas
The Hysteria, Portrait, 2023, acrylic, oil and mixed media painting on canvas
Dual Self Portrait in Yellow Shirt, 2023, acrylic, oil and mixed media painting on canvas
Analysis of an Ego, Portrait, 2023, acrylic, oil and mixed media painting on canvas
Dual Self Portrait on Gray Ground, 2023, acrylic, oil and mixed media painting on canvas
Dual Self Portrait with Blinders, 2023, acrylic, oil and mixed media painting on canvas
Self Portrait in Pink Shirt, 2023, acrylic, oil and mixed media painting on canvas
Man on Yellow Background, Portrait, 2023, acrylic, oil and mixed media painting on canvas
Gray Portrait, 2023, acrylic, oil and mixed media painting on canvas
Aby, Portrait, 2023, acrylic, oil and mixed media painting on canvas
Self Portrait by the Window, 2023, acrylic, oil and mixed media painting on canvas
Study of the Man's head, 2023, acrylic, oil and mixed media painting on canvas
Wife of Dark, Portrait, 2023, acrylic, oil and mixed media painting on canvas
Man in Striped Shirt, 2023, acrylic, oil and mixed media painting on canvas
Self Portrait in Profile, 2023, acrylic, oil and mixed media painting on canvas
Self Portrait with the Beard, 2023, acrylic, oil and mixed media painting on canvas
The Man from the Top, 2023, acrylic, oil and mixed media painting on canvas
The Smoker, 2023, acrylic, oil and mixed media painting on canvas
The Order of Infection, 2016, acrylic, oil and mixed media painting on canvas
To those in War and Peace, 2022, acrylic, oil and mixed media painting on canvas
The Sacred Power of Jaws, 2016, acrylic, oil and mixed media painting on canvas
Resurrection by Orange Light, 2023, acrylic, oil and mixed media painting on canvas
Resurrection by Light, 2023, acrylic, oil and mixed media painting on canvas
Resurrection by Red Light, 2023, acrylic, oil and mixed media painting on canvas
Resurrection by Green Light, 2023, acrylic, oil and mixed media painting on canvas
Robbery in Eden, 2017, acrylic, oil and mixed media painting on canvas
Bouquet of First of May, 2017, acrylic, oil and mixed media painting on canvas
Perceivable Anarchy of the Kingdom of Ant Queen, 2016, acrylic, oil and mixed media painting on canvas
Flight above Iceland, 2016, acrylic, oil and mixed media painting on canvas
Become My Mirror, Follow After Me, 2016-2023, acrylic, oil and mixed media painting on canvas
Metamorphism of the Anarchic Conditions, 2016, acrylic, oil and mixed media painting on canvas
Consciousness Affected by Fears, 2016, acrylic, oil and mixed media painting on canvas
Daemons of Five Generations, 2016, acrylic, oil and mixed media painting on canvas
Laura's Garden, 2016, acrylic, oil and mixed media painting on canvas
The Challenge, 2022, acrylic, oil and mixed media painting on canvas
The Challenge, 2022, acrylic, oil and mixed media painting on canvas
The Midday Suicide, 2014, acrylic, oil and mixed media painting on canvas
Weeper, 2015, acrylic, oil and mixed media painting on canvas
The Last Day of Terror, Painting, 2016, acrylic, oil and mixed media painting on canvas
Eden County of Beast, 2016, acrylic, oil and mixed media painting on canvas
Vision of Goddess, 2016, acrylic, oil and mixed media painting on canvas
Conflict of the Peaceable with Hungry, 2016, acrylic, oil and mixed media painting on canvas
Subordination of Thurteen, 2016, acrylic, oil and mixed media painting on canvas
Comprehension of Pain as Birth of Immune, Diptych, 2023, acrylic, oil and mixed media painting on canvas
Comprehension of Pain as Birth of Immune, 2016, acrylic, oil and mixed media painting on canvas
Corporal, 2023, acrylic, oil and mixed media painting on canvas
Acceptance of Resolution of People's Commune, 2016, acrylic, oil and mixed media painting on canvas
Angel of the Fig Tree, 2017, acrylic, oil and mixed media painting on canvas
Comprehension of Pain as Birth of Immune, Beige, 2023, acrylic, oil and mixed media painting on canvas
Comprehension of Pain as Birth of Immune, Mirror, 2023, acrylic, oil and mixed media painting on canvas
Smell of Lily, 2016, acrylic, oil and mixed media painting on canvas
The Morning Walk of Prison Chief, 2016, acrylic, oil and mixed media painting on canvas
Idols at War, 2016, acrylic, oil and mixed media painting on canvas
The Cage, 2016, acrylic, oil and mixed media painting on canvas
Light Bearer, 2017, acrylic, oil and mixed media painting on canvas
Robert Openheimer Observing Sunset, 2016, acrylic, oil and mixed media painting on canvas
Absolute Rationality of Adaptation, 2016, acrylic, oil and mixed media painting on canvas
Who Will Cross the Field First, 2017, acrylic, oil and mixed media painting on canvas
The Revenge of Radioengineer, 2017, acrylic, oil and mixed media painting on canvas
The Orange Cat, 2017, acrylic, oil and mixed media painting on canvas