resurrection, Jairus daughter, the light, Ressurection by Infrared Light, Nicholaas Chiao, neo-expressionism, expressionism, painting, New York, Brooklyn, contemporary art, art, fine art

Title of the Work of Art:

Resurrection by Infrared Light

Date of Creation:

Figurative Art
Neo Expressionism
Original digital artwork
Not Stated

Artwork Description:
This striking canvas is based on the New Testament story of Jesus Christ raising the Jairus daughter from the dead. The dominant colors here are warm gray, orange-red, and black. The story of Jesus forever puzzled and encouraged the artist. Who was the son of God? Was Biblical God an equal to all-encompassing Artificial Intelligence from deep space? In his paintings of the resurrection of the Jewish girl, he emphasized attention to light moreover making light a color light. I Am the Light: Jesus claimed. Will humans someday become somebody consuming just light to sustain themselves? Lunar modules relying on solar power prove that it is at least not a crazy idea. The artist is confident that humanity will raise itself above cruelty to animals and plants and will consume just light to become sinless and immortal.

Purchase Inquiries: cell:+1-929-370-5524
Artist's Collection

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