Title of the Work of Art:
Subordination of Thurteen
Date of Creation:
Figurative Art
Neo Expressionism
Original digital artwork
H 90 x W 45 inches
Artwork Description:
The Subordination of Thirteen is a canvas based on earlier work by Chiao - the King of Roulette. The artist's story recalls the Last Supper from the Bible as somewhat relevant
to it. King of Roulette is an absolute winner, but nobody knows why. Jesus Christ was demonstrating miracles, resurrecting the dead and nobody knew why. The apostles and
disciples of Christ were subordinated by his miracles to build the Christian Religion. The King of Roulette too is showing subordination to his magic. He would be rather dark,
opposing personage to Jesus and striving for wealth and pleasures new disciples are also following the King of Roulette in the Game of Life. The dominant colors here are dark -
medium gray raw umber, black and sunny whites.

Copyright Ї 2025 Nicholaas Chiao, All Rights Reserved.