Title of the Work of Art:
To those in War and in Peace
Date of Creation:
War Art
Neo Expressionism
Oil and Acrylic on canvas
H 40 x W 100 inches
Artwork Description:
This monumental painting was created by the artist as a response to wars in general and the military conflict between the Russian Federation and Ukraine in particular.
Death here is served to everyone and both parties of a conflict appear suffering losses. This picture is a metaphor for any war on our planet. The eagles symbolize the
rival military forces and the horse symbolizes all humanity and the wisdom of our planet. The horse is the strongest and most neutral participant in the conflict.
We see the horse also suffering under fire from the eagles. Eagles with stronger wings and strong claws are located in the upper part of the picture and bombard the less numerous and weaker
ones with stones, crosses, and stars. Everybody weaker just dies there. Horrible image. The two deadmen symbolize the dead brothers divided by rivalry and murdered in war.
This painting took years to complete and it had a lot of versions and been reworked year after year. It slightly reminds viewers of a Beethoven Frieze by Gustav Klimt.

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